Current Projects
Journal Article: Mortal Systemic Exclusion: The Causes of Rising Mortality among People Experiencing Homelessness, 2011-20
Journal Article: "Racial Mortality Inversion": Black-White Disparities in Mortality Among People Experiencing Homelessness in the United States
Selected Media: It’s now significantly more deadly to be homeless. Why are so many people dying? (CalMatters)
As Storms Hammer California, Homeless Campers Try to Survive Outside (New York Times)
Column: On this flooded island of homeless people, climate change has never been more real (Los Angeles Times)
The uncounted: People who are homeless are invisible victims of Covid-19 (STAT News)
Homeless People in the US Are Being Murdered at a Horrific Rate (Jacobin)
’Homelessness is lethal’: US deaths among those without housing are surging (The Guardian)
Journal Article: Evading the Eviction Moratorium: Changing Patterns in Landlord-Initiated Formal and Informal Evictions and Eviction Tactics During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Report: The Effect of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Low-Income Tenants' Housing Security in WA
Selected Media: NY landlords can’t evict while tenants wait for aid; some try other ways to clear property (NPR)
The evictions that landlords got away with during the pandemic (Slate)
Even with the eviction moratorium, landlords continued to find ways to kick renters out (The Conversation)
In Progress: Understanding the Barriers to Implementation of Permanent Supportive Housing Programs in Rural Areas
In Progress: Rental Assistance for Whom? How Public Housing Authority Eligibility Criteria Influence Who Participates in the Housing Choice Voucher Program, with Vincent Reina and Joshua Davidson
In Progress: Claiming the Prize After Winning the Housing Lottery: How Do Housing Authorities’ Administrative Processes Affect Who Redeems a Housing Voucher?, with Vincent Reina
Selected Media: Affordable housing crisis has 'waitlist shoppers' across US vying for few Arizona vouchers (Arizona Republic)
Journal Article: The Future of Rental Assistance: Lessons Learned from Implementing and Evaluating a Direct-to-Tenant Cash Assistance Program, PHLHousing+
Selected Media: PD&R Quarterly Update: Cash Assistance and Housing (US Department of Housing and Urban Development)
People are using cash transfers like basic income to pay rent, and it shows just how badly a housing-crisis solution is needed (Business Insider)
Journal Article: Racialized Homelessness: A Review of Historical and Contemporary Causes of Racial Disparities in Homelessness.
In Progress: The Institutional Sources of Racial Disparities in Homelessness
In Progress: The Prevalence of Housing Insecurity Among Low-Income Urban Households
Selected Media: The racialization of Washtenaw County's unhoused population (The Michigan Daily)
Peer-Reviewed Publications